Make the Most of your Garden this Winter
After spending all summer in the garden, perfecting your outside spaces for barbecues and summer parties, it can be easy to let your garden fall into a state of neglect as the months get ever colder. We can argue that this isn’t important, as we aren’t spending any time out there, but we can’t deny the fact that we still have to look at it through the window.
It doesn’t have to be a huge task to make the most of your outside space in the winter, and we have put together a few tips that will help maintain a bit of interest, even if the sun isn’t shining.
Foliage - It is easy to assume that gardens lose all of their colour in the winter and are just a mass of green. However this isn’t the case, every plant offers a different shade of green, creating a real impact. To top this off, many plants still flower in winter. Shrubs are particularly good for giving your garden a quick fix, if you buy them when they are young you can simply leave them in a pretty pot on the patio to add a splash of colour.
Our favourite winter bloomers are helleborus niger, otherwise known as the Christmas Rose, which has a beautiful white flower, and violas which add a bright splash of colour in the dreary winter.
Wildlife - Attract some wildlife to your garden by setting up a bird table or hanging bird feeders in the trees. Not only will the hungry birds benefit from the extra food on offer, but you will also have the added bonus of being able to watch the wild life from the comfort of your home.
Be sure to keep an eye out for:
- Robins,
- Blue tits,
- Chaffinches,
- Greenfinches,
- Bullfinches,
- Great spotted woodpeckers,
- Redwings,
- Pied wagtails.